to Minimize Drugs, Injections, & Surgeries
Physician, Speaker, & Author of PAINDEMIC
Paperback and Hardback on Amazon soon.
From Challengers & Professionals
Need inspiration?
Don't want to feel alone?
Struggling to help a loved one?
Take a listen.
Have you overcome your own pain?
Have you improved your own pain?
How did you do it?
Be an inspiration.
Share with others.
Want to go deeper?
Need better perspective?
Want other pain care options?
Learn from pain professionals.
Someone who suffers with pain and feels hopeless.
Someone who challenges pain and minimizes their own suffering with self-care and a rational use of the medical system.
You will be inspired or inspiring to others!
By sharing your uplifting story of how you overcame obstacles and decreased or eliminated your pain, you can help others understand the little and big things that we do that can help pain.
A PAIN OUT LOUD – HEAR MY STORY bracelet will be given to those who have their story accepted and posted in this community.
Become part of a community to help create awareness, education, hope, and events for all who suffer from pain.
Prior to submitting your story, please review the Pain Challenger Story Guidelines.
PAIN OUT LOUD Story Submission Guidelines
Your PAIN OUT LOUD story must promote the POL Mission:
Pain sufferer: Someone who suffers with pain and feels hopeless.
Pain challenger: Someone who challenges pain and minimizes their own suffering with self-care and a rational use of the medical system.
Story Guidelines: The following is required prior to approving your Pain Challenger story for publishing to
PAIN OUT LOUD’S Gift to Pain Challengers:
Each Pain Challenger who tells their story and is accepted for posting to will be mailed a “PAIN OUT LOUD – Hear My Story” bracelet unless opting not to receive one.
We very much appreciate each story submitted. By sharing your story, you are inspiring and encouraging Pain Sufferers on a path to become Pain Challengers.
To Less Pain & More Joy!
Author, PAINDEMIC® Book
Updated 05/22/2019. antiPAIN Lifestyle, LLC.
The PAIN OUT LOUD Community is a place for rich and engaging conversations among those who have overcome pain and are willing to share their stories with others looking for inspiration and encouragement. It’s a safe place to talk about overcoming or eliminating pain, what changes were made, and how life is more fun with less pain. The community is meant to provide HOPE. POL community is not a place to receive medical diagnosis or treatment advice. Each individual must consult with their own physician or medical professional about their particular situation.
The POL Community is a place to connect with others fighting the “pain epidemic” or PAINDEMIC® in the U.S. and the rest of the world. Here is where connections are made with people in our own hometowns or maybe even on the other side of the world. We have a common goal – overcoming and/or managing our pain. Through the power of community, we are all connected—and together we’re stronger! We are celebrating our Successes! Singing our Stories. Saying to those still suffering, “You are not alone!” and “There is Hope!”
Members share their pain stories after giving electronic or written consent to share publicly. Stories are considered helpful or uplifting and approved prior to being published. Members share their knowledge and experience in overcoming their particular pain or health situation. Their stories are unique to them and should be carefully considered by other members before deciding that the same action will provide the same results. All information should be verified as applicable by an individual’s medical professional.
Be courteous
This is a diverse community of people with diverse opinions. It is up to each of us to be polite and treat each other with respect.
Inappropriate Behavior
The following behavior will not be tolerated. We encourage you to report any instances of this behavior immediately by emailing Dr. Cady at [email protected].
• Venting, ranting or using hate speech
We are a community of like-minded believers, but still people with diverse beliefs, opinions and backgrounds, so please be respectful and refrain from making hateful and/or incendiary comments. You are free to express your opinions, but you must do so in a way that respects the opinions of others.
• Being mean or obscene
Sexually explicit and/or vulgar language, as well as inappropriate or disturbing images are not permitted in this community. Also, any personal attacks, belligerence, insults, slurs or generally objectionable speech will not be allowed. This is not a match-making community for the purposes of dating.
• Exploiting the community
The PAIN OUT LOUD Community is not designed to attract customers, build your clientele, business, or services. If you have years of experience in something, have a special hobby or write your own blog, you must have specific permission in writing from Dr. Cady ([email protected]). However, it is not OK to post links that are unrelated to the topic or are clearly meant only to solicit others for personal and financial gain. Solicitations like “Will you add me as a contact?” or propositioning people (for any financial purpose) will not be allowed.
• Not being yourself
Our community is meant to reward Members for sharing their stories and information freely and openly, so creating multiple accounts or posting content for the sole purpose of gaining kudos is not permitted. Be yourself, and just yourself.
• Violating the law
Members of the POL Community are not above the law; so don’t post anything that violates the laws of your country, state, province or city. Don’t steal anything (like copyright or trademark material) or solicit other contributors to share their personal information. Don’t threaten, harass, impersonate or hurt others, and don’t invade other people’s privacy.
• Acting maliciously
Don’t post links to sites that contain viruses or malicious programs that interfere with the operation of the POL Community or website.
This community is a place to be social, where you can join groups, share resources, and learn about events that create public awareness of what needs to change in regards to the rampant pain issues.
Dr. Melissa Cady, founder of antiPAIN Lifestyle LLC and leader of the POL community provides research, webinars, Q&A interviews, videos, and other resources for members. Some information is free to members and some will be available for a fee.
Dr. Cady is NOT acting as your physician. She is a physician, but is merely providing the benefit of her research and information on the changes she made in controlling her own pain and the wisdom of those with a history of pain and the professionals helping those in pain. No pain professional was paid nor did they pay Dr. Cady for their contribution to the Pain Out Loud website.
Most of all, the POL Community is a place of encouragement. It is not a community for complaints or misuse of member’s trust. We are here to inform, not criticize. Constructive criticism has its place and can be shared with Dr. Cady.
Be a good citizen
Like any community, the quality of our environment depends on the involvement of our citizens. If you see great content, give it kudos. If you see abuse, report it immediately to [email protected]. Before you write anything, ask yourself if your contribution increases the strength and virtue of the community. You make a difference in shaping the discussions and making the experience better for everyone. The human brain is influenced what it reads, hears, and sees.
Again, we have a common goal – overcoming and/or decreasing our pain. Through the power of community, we are all connected—and together we’re stronger! We are celebrating our Successes! Singing our Stories. Saying to those still suffering, “You are not alone!” and “There is Hope!”
We look forward to building a safe, engaging, and helpful community with you!
Leader, PAIN OUT LOUD Community
“The Challenge Doctor”
Author of PAINDEMIC®
Have questions? Feel free to contact us via email at [email protected].
Or call us and leave a message at 669-237-2239.
Or write us at antiPAIN Lifestyle LLC, PO Box 92844, Austin, TX 78709.
DISCLAIMER: Information on written and provided by Dr.Cady does not establish a doctor-physician relationship with Dr.Cady. All information on this site is merely suggestions and perspectives that may be used in conjunction with a real patient-physician relationship. Speak with your primary care provider or appropriate medical professional regarding what is best for your health.
Updated 4/26/2019; antiPAIN Lifestyle, LLC
From Medicine to Fitness to Pain, there is Something to Gain!
Disclaimer: This information furnished via is intended to provide its site visitors and community members with educational information. It is for informational purposes only and shall not be construed as medical advice. The identification or listing of products, services, links or other information on the website(s) or any linked website does not constitute or imply any warranty, endorsement, guaranty, sponsorship, affiliation or medical advice by Dr. Melissa Cady. Any health-related decision you may make on the basis of any information found on this Website is your sole responsibility. Further, the Challenge Doctor, Dr. Melissa Cady, D.O., is not acting as your physician. In posting any of the information on this site or in emails, she is merely giving her perspective and sharing useful information. Please speak with your personal physician or other health care provider regarding your own health concerns.