Dr. Cady's Blog

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Your Pain Symptom Does Not Equal Cookie-Cutter Treatment

Jul 02, 2017

A common misperception by many in society is that what helped one person with a certain symptom should help another. However, a symptom can be due to many different reasons. For instance, if someone has nausea, this could be because they are pregnant, ate contaminated food, cancer, just took a medication, saw something repulsive, indigestion, low blood pressure, and so on. That one symptom could be brief, intermittent, or long-term depending on the true nature or cause of the nausea. It can range because each human has different complexities or sensitivities to situations that are unique to him or her.

Let’s say someone had nausea. Anti-nausea medicine could be given to most people for the symptom. However, if the nauseated person was experiencing a rapid drop in blood pressure from a procedure such as a spinal for labor pain, then treating the low blood pressure with fluids or medication makes more sense to address the cause versus treating the symptoms. By just treating the...

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Diagnosis Hypnosis

Jun 27, 2017

Diagnosis Hypnosis:

Why Your Pain Diagnosis May Not Help You Get Better

Many people receive a diagnosis in order to determine the appropriate treatment for their pain or many other conditions. But first of all, what is a diagnosis? If you look at the Merriam-Webster dictionary it would be this:

  1. The art or act of identifying a disease from its signs and symptoms.
  2. Investigation or analysis of the cause or nature of a condition, situation, or problem.

In the world of pain, you are trying to determine the cause/nature/disease based upon signs and symptoms. On rare occasion, a pain diagnosis can be life-threatening with what are commonly called “red flag” symptoms. These may include the inability to control your bowel or bladder or severe abdominal pain. These rare issues may be indicative of the life-threatening or life-altering issues such as severe compression of your spinal cord/nerve roots or bleeding from an aortic aneurysm (largest artery).

But let’s assume...

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