Dr. Cady's Blog

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The Kerr-age of Pain

Jun 21, 2017

Anyone who follows basketball, the Golden State Warriors, or Steve Kerr in particular is keenly aware of the challenges Kerr has had with his low back pain in 2015 and his unresolved post-surgical cerebrospinal fluid leak complication. Ultimately his pain went from his back to his head and beyond.

Kerr’s story reminds us of the profound impact that chronic pain can have on one’s entire life, even if you are the head coach of one of the most profitable NBA teams in the country. And the realization that a “simple” surgery has its real risks was felt intimately by Kerr and those close to him.

As a consequence, Kerr told the Washington Post, “I can tell you if you’re listening out there, stay away from back surgery. I can say that from the bottom of my heart. Rehab, rehab, rehab. Don’t let anyone get in there.”

As much as surgeons will cringe at the above statement, the truth is that there is a higher risk when it comes to surgery as...

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